Are you experiencing breast development ?

Gynecomastia is the medical term for breast development in men. With gynecomastia, one or two breasts are larger than normal. This condition generally involves excessive glandular tissue, fatty tissue, or a combination of both. There are several causes for breast formation in men, including an accumulation of fatty tissue, a side effect of medication, a change in hormone production due to taking hormones, a response to metabolic changes or breast cancer. Gynecomastia is often seen in young men during puberty. You have come to the right place for a solution.

Gynaecomastia operation


    • Cosmetic treatment with short recovery time


    • Remove breast formation in men


    • Both male and female surgeons


    • Your intake interview within two weeks



Gynecomastia results

In general, the outcome of gynecomastia is predictable. It is important that you make your wishes clear to the plastic surgeon in advance. However, no full guarantee can be given on the aesthetic result. The scars that arise after the procedure when the glandular tissue is removed can initially look a bit fiery. After about a year, that fervor disappears, the scars take on the color of the skin and become less visible. Ultraviolet rays are not good for scars, so they can remain red for an unnecessarily long time. It is therefore best to keep the scars covered in the first months, this can be done with a sunblock.

Types of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia is another word for excessive breast development in men. There are several causes due to the development of excess breast tissue. There may be physical or non-physical breast formation.

Physical breast formation in men

When there is physical breast formation, it means that the glandular discs in the man's chest have not disappeared during childhood. Instead, they started growing during puberty and the hormone swing. This happens on one or both breasts. In most cases, this swelling is short-lived, but sometimes it is permanent. If the latter is the case, we surgically remove the swelling. Another physical cause is pseudo-gynecomastia. This means that it is not the mammary gland that is swollen, but that the swelling is caused by fat accumulation.

Non-physical breast formation in men

Breast formation can also arise from a non-physical cause. For example, think of:

    • Drug side effects


    • Change in metabolism


    • Abnormality of the testicles


    • Growths that produce hormones


If you have one of the above causes, the plastic surgeon will first investigate whether a gynecomastia correction is suitable for you. If the surgeon is in doubt, we advise you to perform a hormonal examination to check underlying diseases.

The initial examination
During the examination before the treatment, you will review your problems and desires with the plastic surgeon. The specialist then establishes whether your desires correspond to the technological opportunity. You will certainly likewise talk about which therapy approach appropriates for you, the type of anesthesia and the risks and issues. It is essential that the plastic surgeon gets a good photo of your overall health and wellness. That is why he asks you inquiries regarding your medical background. If you are taking drug or are allergic to, for example, iodine, anesthetic fluid or plasters, you should show this. There are a number of medicines that you need to quit prior to the treatment. We encourage you the following:

Stop using blood-thinning medications a week beforehand.
You can take paracetamol prior to and after surgical treatment to ease the pain.

Gynecomastia surgery

Which treatment method is suitable for you depends on the type of breast formation. We perform two types of gynecomastia corrections, possibly in combination with the removal of excess skin:

    • Removing glandular tissue


    • Removing adipose tissue



Removing glandular tissue

Breast formation can be caused by an excess of glandular tissue. During the procedure, the plastic surgeon removes this by making a small incision on the underside of the areola. We remove the excess glandular tissue. The plastic surgeon does leave a small amount of glandular tissue under the nipple. This prevents a dimpled nipple. We close the incision with dissolvable sutures. When necessary, the plastic surgeon also removes the excess skin. Duration of treatment: one and a half hours Anesthetic: general anesthesia

Removing adipose tissue

Breast formation that has only arisen due to excess fatty tissue is removed by the plastic surgeon with liposuction. In this procedure, the plastic surgeon makes a small incision in an inconspicuous place. He removes the subcutaneous fatty tissue with the help of a suction tube. To make the fat cells come off more easily, the surgeon first injects a liquid. We then remove the excess fat with a thin hollow needle. We carefully tape the small cut created by the liposuction. Duration of treatment: one and a half hours Anesthetic: local anesthetic

In some cases, a combination of liposuction and removal of glandular tissue is necessary. To determine whether there is a gland or adipose tissue, in most cases additional examination by means of an ultrasound is necessary. website: rinoplastie


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